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Shopping Information

browser recommendations

We recommend you use version 7.2 or higher of Netscape or version 5.5 or higher of Microsoft Internet Explorer. If you have a previous version of one of these browsers, you can download a free copy of the latest version from Netscape or Microsoft.

monitor settings

If you have to scroll to get a full view of our pages, try setting your monitor to a resolution of 800 x 600 or higher (832 x 624, 1024 x 768, etc.).


To place an order, your browser has to be set to accept cookies. Most browsers accept cookies by default, but if you are having trouble ordering, you may need to change your browser settings to enable cookies.

browsing product categories

If you are not sure what you are looking for, you may browse the product categories by clicking on a “department” on the side navigation bar. We have grouped together related items in merchandise categories within Barcodewarehouse.biz.

how to find products using our online search function

You can type keywords into the Search field if you have a general idea of the type of product you are looking for, but do not know the specifics. The more general your keywords are, the more choices the search will find. If you have a manufacturer’s part number, you can search by that number as well

how to save a product for later purchase

If you have an item in your Shopping Cart you would like to purchase during a later visit, select the "Add to Wishlist" option that appears below the item. To access this helpful feature, we invite you to Create an Account.

payment options

We accept the following methods of payment:

Credit cards: We accept VISA, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.

Personal checks: We accept personal checks, corporate checks and money orders on mail orders.

Gift Certificates: We accept both paper and electronic gift certificates.

credit card orders

We typically charge your credit card when you place your order, as long as the items are in stock. If your order contains backordered items, we will not charge the backordered portion to your account until the item(s) become available. There are some exceptions with orders that contain items requiring freight delivery or that are sent directly from our vendors.

placing orders via email, fax, phone and mail

We designed our web site's ordering system to protect the security of your personal information, including your credit card number. Since ordinary email is not secure in the same way, we cannot accept orders sent via email. For your security, please do not include your credit card information in any email you send us. To fax an order, you can print out your completed "Order Review" page and fax to us at (678) 391-3561. A valid credit card number is required for faxed orders. If you would prefer to phone in your order, call us at (888) 422-9249

Mail orders to:

Barcode Warehouse
101 Smoke Hill Ln
Ste 130
Woodstock, GA 30188
Attn: BCW Orders

Please include either a check for payment or a valid credit card number and your signature.


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Barcode Warehouse manufactures quality products specifically for use in the worlds top thermal label printers such as TSC®, Zebra®, Eltron®, Datamax®, Sato® and more.